Describe my family 1

A topic like Meet my family allows you, as a teacher, to introduce words that will help your students make a physical description of their family members, friends and people in general. 

I usually teach this topic to my second graders. Many of them only use the first person to express themselves in sentences at this age. At this point, the first thing I teach is the use of the third person pronouns in the singular. My students like drawing and they understand words better if they see an illustration of it, so I draw some stick figures on the board for them. 

Using realia is always a good idea when teaching new lexis to children and, when the real life examples are the students themselves, it's even more fun. I ask them to make a sentence about their desk mates. I write on the board the stems for the sentences and they can use any other vocabulary items they know to complete them. 

He is...

She is....

He's got.... 

She's got...

Then, we revise the parts of the face. The following activity was created using the Quizlet app.

If you have already studied words for size before, you might like to revise those together with the parts of the human face. Like many of the worksheets on this blog, this too was created using the Canva app for Education. (Should you be interested in how to use this app, leave me comment and I'll write a blog post about it.)

Furthermore, the infographic could be useful either in introducing these words as new vocabulary or in revising them. 

To practice these, you can use the following activities.

If you decide to try out with your class or with your children this type of activities, please let me know how it goes for you in a comment. 

Disclaimer: All photos, videos and/or voice recordings of students and/or of students' work are published with their parents' explicit permission. Other photos, videos and/or voice recording come from websites that allow embedding in personal or professional blogs, either for free or based on a subscription. These materials are mostly self-produced, using templates provided on these particular websites or apps and are cited accordingly.  The activities carried out in class are inspired by suggestions from the textbooks used with the students. The materials that do not come from any of the above mentioned sources will be cited accordingly. You cannot copy and/or distribute any of the materials from this blog without the author's written consent


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